plot1=Plot[{{120 - 2 q}, {60 - q}, {60-q/2}}, {q, 0, 120}] plot2 = ListPlot[{{0, 60}, {30,30}, {40,40}, {60,0}}, PlotStyle -> PointSize[.02]] Show[plot2, plot1, PlotRange -> {{0, 130}, {0, 130}}, AspectRatio -> 1/1] plot3 = Graphics[Text["Firm 1's Reaction Curve", {80,30}]] plot4= Graphics[Text["Firm 2's Reaction Curve", {30,80}]] plot5 = Graphics[Text["Cournot equilibrium", {42,42}]] plot6 = Graphics[Text["Cartel Output", {32,32}]] Show[plot2, plot1,plot4, plot3, plot5, plot6, PlotRange -> {{0, 130}, {0, 130}}, AspectRatio -> 1/1, AxesLabel->{"Firm 2's Output","Firm 1's Output" }] I coudl not get the Export command to work to go to a particular location. Instead, just right-click on the ojbect and save to a pdf file wherever you like Labeled[expr, {lbl1, lbl2, ...}, {pos1, ...}] Inseet does soemthing too.