An Old Man's Stories

I will finish this page later. Only the first story is written. The other links won't work.

1990. The Story of “Defining the Mean-Preserving Spread: 3-pt versus 4-pt”

1900. Walking on Port Meadow

1900. Amelia Deliria

1900. Pastor Macdonald's Doom

1900. The Bench at the Cambridge Grammar School for Boys

1900. The Bloomington Faculty Council Support-the-Troops Resolution

1900. Being Last Man on the Job Market

1900. With Amelia at Nikko

1900. Consulting for the Doctor's Mistress

1900. Driving to D.C. through the Pine Barrens

1900. UCLA's Non-Offer to John Lott

1900. Greg Mankiw's Poker Parties

1900. Suing Citigroup for Three Billion Dollars

1900. Tenure at UCLA

1900. Tenure at Indiana

1900. Rezoning for Hirons' Ad Agency

1900. The Election against Steve Calabresi for Yale Political Union Secretary

1900. The Election for Tory Chairman

1900. The Breakup of Grace Covenant Church

1900. The Writing of "Games and Information: An Introduction to Game Theory"

1900. Meeting Helen

1900. Meeting My Father-in-Law

1900. My Prostate Cancer

1900. The Accident

1900. The Homosexuals-Shouldn't-Be-Schoolteachers Kerfuffle

1900. Visiting Attalya in Turkey

1900. Visiting Fukuoka with Helen


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1900. sdfsdf