October 2, 2003. &Omega. PLAME- WILSON AFFAIR.

More and more this is looking trivial, though one never knows. The Washington Times again shows its superiority to the Washington Post by informing us that the CIA is required by law to refer possible criminal disclosures of identities to the Justice Department, and refers about 50 per year. The story also says,

Mrs. Wilson, who has worked overseas, is now assigned to CIA headquarters at Langley as an undercover officer working on issues related to weapons of mass destruction.
My question remains: After Novak printed the information that she works for the CIA, who leaked the information that she is a *covert* operative for the CIA? If Smith reveal that somebody is a janitor at the CIA building, and then Jones reveals that the janitor also goes on spy missions to North Korea, I would think it is Jones who is culpable.

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