November 4, 2003. ת Linda Tripp Privacy Violation.

Linda Tripp just settled her privacy lawsuit against the Defense Department for many hundreds of thousands of dollars. Here is the court document for the settlement. This is of some interest because it is a case of apparent actual government violation of privacy for nefarious political purposes, as opposed to the hypothetical invasions that people fear under the Patriot Act.

Did you know there is a website called

The USA Today article has some interesting points. In particular,

Tripp lost her job at the Pentagon in January 2001 after she refused to resign like other political appointees on the last day of Clinton's term.

She earned nearly $100,000 a year when she was a public affairs specialist for the Defense Department. She held a civil service job in the White House under former President Bush before getting a political appointment and new job at the Pentagon in 1994.

Why do Pentagon public affairs specialists earn such high salaries?

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