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July 20, 2004

Linda Ronstadt and Liberal Hatred of Conservatives

Linda Ronstadt says This is a good example of an aspect of the "unconstrained vision" that Thomas Sowell noted long ago in A Conflict of Visions: a visceral hatred of opposing views and an unwillingness to tolerate the possibility that people might be wrong for innocent reasons. No conservative singer would say this about having Michael Moore socialists in his audience. He would expect there to be some, but would have the attitude that there are lots of stupid people in the world, many of them quite nice, and all of them worth singing songs for. Even a Communist has the right to live. But for Linda Ronstadt, it is one of the injustices of the world that she has to be in the same room as a Republican for an hour.

Posted by erasmuse at July 20, 2004 05:19 PM

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