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September 29, 2004

Two words: Aporia and Facticity

Here are two new words I've come across. Both of these look like they might be useful, if I could remember them and if anybody else knew what they meant.

APORIA A*po"ri*a [L., doubt, Gr. , fr. without passage, at a loss; priv. + passage.] A figure in which the speaker professes to be at a loss what course to pursue, where to begin to end, what to say, etc.

FACTICITY fac�tic�i�ty
Pronunciation: fak-'ti-s&-tE
Etymology: French or German; French facticit�, from German Faktizit�t, from
Factum fact, from Latin factum
: the quality or state of being a fact

Posted by erasmuse at September 29, 2004 01:16 PM

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