28 July 2007 Eric Rasmusen, erasmuse@indiana.edu This file is now at http://www.rasmusen.org/a/wordpress-rasmusen.txt USING WORDPRESS This text file contains my notes on how to use Wordpress. Wordpress is poorly documented, so this is important. I will add to this file over time. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX POSTING BY EMAIL To do this, install the WP-cron and WP-cron-mail plug-ins. Then, send delayed emails. Don't use Thunderbird--it puts in bad formatting end-of-line symbols. Instead, use Lettermelater, http://www.lettermelater.com/account.php, a free website. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX TRACKBACK SPAM Trackback spam is impossible to block. All I can do is end trackbacks. I tried several other tricks and plugins. To stop trackbacks, go to OPTIONS, DISCUSSION, and uncheck the box that allows them. That, however, only disallows them on future posts. For past posts, use this idea from http://wordpress.org/support/topic/19950 Run this query in the SQL field in phpMyAdmin for your WP database: Update wp_posts set ping_status = "closed" where post_date < "2005-09-05" What that means is that you need to find the server address for your wordpress database. For me, that is wp3.rasmusen.dreamhosters.com. I log in there with username and password. The program phpMyAdmin starts right up and asks me to choose a database. After I do, a new window appears. SQL is a box I can click. Then I can type in the three lines of command above, and it will apply them to all my past posts. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COMMENTS IN WORDPRESS TEMPLATES I've found out how to put comments in Wordpress templates, which I suppose are written in PhP. I can add a date comment like this: The stylesheet is in some other language, perhaps HTML, so a comment would look like this: /* Eric Rasmusen, 13 June 2005 */ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX THE COMMAND If you put between two lines of a post like this:

I came across an article on Roman Catholic political doctrine. Since I had a couple of old posts (August 5, 2003) on this and the question of Moslem and Roman Catholic loyalty to the U.S. Constitution, I thought I'd combine them.

This article says

Prior then on the index page the post will end at "them" and "Read the rest of this entry »" will appear. The reader will have to click on that to get to the rest of the post. DO NOT HAVE BLANK LINES BEFORE OR AFTER DO NOT PUT IN THE MIDDLE OF A BLOCKQUOTE-- it will mess up the index page. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX STYLE FILES http://www.rasmusen.org/x/images/style.css http://www.rasmusen.org/x/images/index.php.txt http://www.rasmusen.org/x/images/post.php.txt http://www.rasmusen.org/x/images/footer.php.txt http://www.rasmusen.org/x/images/sidebar.php.txt http://www.rasmusen.org/x/images/archive.php.txt XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Fixing the Number of Posts Shown in Wordpress Wordpress has an annoying design flaw: the same number of posts must be displayed on the main weblog page and on every archive page. Thus, if you want just 20 posts to show on your main page, only 20 posts will show up in your monthly archive. You can change the number "20" in OPTIONS/READING, but it has to be uniform. I found a fix here. At the very start of the Archives Template, insert < ?php $posts = query_posts($query_string . '&nopaging=1'); ?> That will turn off the 20 post limit for archives. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX TO CREATE A COLORED TEXT BOX: In style.css, put: #banner { background-color:blue; width: 700px; padding-right: 20px; padding- left:20px; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; margin: 30px 13em 0 3em; } That makes a box of color FFFCC with colored blank padding all around the text and with white blank space all around the textbox. Then on the page itself, e.g. index.php, insert (if you want white writing):

You can use all kinds of tags inside the division, e.g. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX HAVING JUST TITLES ON ARCHIVE LISTING PAGES, NOT EXCERPTS From this site: http://developedtraffic.com/resources/wordpress-notes.php I found out how to make the archives list titles instead of complete entries, an obvious improvement to Wordpress. It involves REPLACING almost the entire page with this:

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX PHP FILES I can't put "php" in any filename, or my browswer will try to execute it as a Php file. Thus, I need to rename my template index.txt instead of index.php.txt. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX