
Disagreeing Agreeably

Pastor Foster raises a good point, which can be expanded upon. Or, rather, raises a good question: When should someone be agreeable, and when disagreeable? How, in particular, should a Christian act? I think I am somewhat of an expert on this, being known variously both as an unusually agreeable person and an unusually disagreeable […]


Tips for Online Seminars (transferred to Rasmapedia)

I’m coming back to the idea of revising my Aphorisms on Writing, Speaking, and Listening. In particular, though good writing never changes, technology does. I need to talk more about how to use software in writing articles. I need to talk about programming style and posting data and code on the Web. I need to […]


Does Professor Menachemi’s Fairbanks-IUPUI Covid-19 Study of Indiana Infection Rates Have a Biased Sample?

I heard something distressing today about the sloppiness of coronavirus research. The Fairbanks School at IUPUI has been doing a big study of coronavirus infection in Indiana, testing 5,000 people. I was one of those people (negative on virus, negative on antibodies, as it turned out). I heard they were calling for volunteers, so I […]