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Dawry, Travis. @tdawry

In spreadsheets you see the data but the code sits behind it.

In a programming language you see the code but the data sits behind it.

FOLLOWS Tracey. @traceyfutures:


“In China you have a State-run media, in the US you have a media-run State”

GOLDMAN, Samuel. @SWGoldman, January 8, 2021:

A lot of people who thought they were part of the con now discovering that they were the marks. Which is exactly how a con works.

Harington, John. Epigrams, Book iv, Epistle 5.

Treason doth never prosper: what's the reason?
Why, if it prosper, none dare call it treason.

Compare: "Prosperum ac felix scelus/ Virtus vocatur" ("Successful and fortunate crime/ is called virtue"), Seneca, Herc. Furens, ii. 250.

KASCHUTA, Alex. [https://alexkaschuta.substack.com/p/observing-the-empire-from-afar%7C Observing the empire from afar. Three decades' worth of America-gazing from one of its long forgotten provinces, Romania ] (2020):

The average Romanian knows the following about Americans:

  • They are stupid and uncultured, though they somehow also have the best universities and lead the world in scientific research.
  • They are fat and lethargic, but their work ethic is second to none, and they never take vacations.
  • They have guns, though they shouldn't, though they probably should because criminality is very high.
  • The evils that befall them was caused by something terrible they did, either now or in the past, though it would have been great to have them “conquer” us just once.

* It's hard to emigrate there, but it shouldn't be, because it's also highly desirable, being the "land of opportunity."

[https://alexkaschuta.substack.com/p/observing-the-empire-from-afar%7C Observing the empire from afar.

Three decades' worth of America-gazing from one of its long forgotten provinces, Romania ] (2020):

The American paradox may have a simple solution: America is the only country to have generated so much excess it now exports its own self-loathing, in industrial quantities, 24/7.