November 10, 2003. Oppression in Canada.

David Bernstein said on Volokh that Canada was unfree, even quoting someone calling it a "totalitarian theocracy", and Crooked Timber has a response with lots of comments. Neither mentions specific cases, but there's already been one prosecution, conviction, and failed appeal. WORLD magazine reported in March on Hugh Owens in Saskatoon, who was fined $4500 (by a one-woman panel-- no jury right here) for quoting Leviticus in a newspaper ad. The newspaper was fined the same amount. He appealed to a federal court, which confirmed his guilt and said he deserved to be punished.

A federal court in Saskatchewan ruled in December that the Bible amounted to hate literature. The decision received next to no notice in the nation's press. The case involved Hugh Owens of Regina, who ran an ad in the Saskatoon Star Phoenix on Gay Pride Day in 1997. It featured only four Bible references (Romans 1:26-32, Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 21:13, and 1 Corinthians 6:9) without quoting from them, an equal sign, and two stick men holding hands inside a red circle with a diagonal slash through it-- similar to highway and street signs forbidding certain actions. Mr. Owens said he was seeking to draw the public's attention to biblical teaching about homosexuality.

Three homosexuals sued Mr. Owens and the newspaper under the provincial human-rights code. It forbids publication of text and symbols that would expose people to hatred, ridicule, or "affront of dignity" on account of their sexual orientation. A one-woman panel of the human-rights commission ruled in their favor, saying the inclusion of Bible verses elevated the ad to violation of the code. She ordered Mr. Owens and the newspaper to pay each man $1,500 (WORLD, July 21, 2001).

The federal court rejected Mr. Owens's appeal in December, noting that "the biblical passage which suggests that if a man lies with a man they must be put to death exposes homosexuals to hatred."

Note that the fine was $1,500 for each person aggrieved . Thus, a group of 500 homosexuals could have bankrupted Owens and closed down the newspaper.

I've been on a moratorium on the topic of homosexuality, by the way, but the moratorium has ended and I expect I'll be visiting the topic now and then.

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