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February 11, 2005


I learned a good word today, circumjacent , sûrkm-jsnt, which means "Lying around; surrounding". Jack Meyer told me he wanted to use it in a term to define risk a certain way (which may be what I call "extremal risk" in my own paper on risk, but someone induced him to use the less interesting "strong" instead.

I wanted to find an example of circumjacent in use. Googling, I found a striking article title, "Methods of improving the circumjacent blood supply in resections of arterial trunks and obliterating endarteritis". That has a nice ring to it, though it would be even more poetic, if perhaps less descriptive, if it were "Improving circumjacent blood and obliterating endarteritis." I do like the thought of obliterating endarteritis-- it sounds like it's well worth doing.

Posted by erasmuse at February 11, 2005 08:55 PM

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