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February 13, 2005

Bayly's Recommendations for Books on Religion

Pastor Tim Bayly's list of recommended Bible translations and references is worth reading. He gives a detailed list (recommending the New American Standard Version of the Bible) and then says,
Finally, if I were to spend around $250 for a basic library to help with the study of Scripture, I would narrow the above recommendations down to the following:

New Bible Dictionary (around $30)
Francis Turretin's Institutes of Elenctic Theology or Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion ($50-$75) Calvin's commentaries on the Bible (around $125) Matthew Henry's unabridged Commentary on the Bible ($25-$50) Spurgeon's Treasury of David ($30)

The list tempts me to buy Turretin, the classic Calvinist theology summa, and Spurgeon's Treasury of David. I have Calvin's commentaries already, though, and have been disappointed in them. The only one I've read through is his commentary on Jonah, which is pretty good but inferior to Luther's. I've dipped into others, but Calvin tends to be boringly correct rather than insightful and interesting (something true of the Institutes too). But I will restrain myself, I think, because I ought to read, or, better yet, re-read the books I already have rather than buy new ones.

Posted by erasmuse at February 13, 2005 05:54 PM

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