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The Perennial Heresy

Legalism is the most dangerous heresy for pious Christians. Its polar heresy, antinomianism, is perhaps just as dangerous, but that danger is mainly a problem for those less pious who slothfully sit back and feel they don't have to spend time thinking about what pleases God. Legalism, on the other hand, is a temptation to everyone, pious and slothful alike, but a special temptation for those who are most active and effective in the Church.

What do I mean by "legalism"? In its strictest sense it is the ancient heresy of Pelagianism: that men can attain the Kingdom of Heaven by doing good works, and that if they do not do enough good works they will go to Hell. Note that this is totally different from Universalism, the heresy that all men will attain the Kingdom of Heaven. All legalists believe that bad people will go to Hell. We usually think of the Strict Legalist, who believes that you must work very hard to attain Heaven and few people will succeed. Infinitely more common, however, is the Easy Legalist, who believes you must work a little to attain Heaven, but mainly by avoiding gross temptation. Most people are Easy Legalists, even if they are just nominal Christians who never go to church. They believe they will go to Heaven because they don't commit any crimes, don't kick their dogs, and are faithful to their wives most of the time. They believe, however, that Joe down the street, who was in prison for robbery when he was in his 20's, who does kick his dog, and who openly has both wife and girlfriend, will go to Hell. Joe, in turn, is also an Easy Legalist. He may kick his dog, but he isn't Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler, he says, is the kind of person that populates Hell.

But let's focus on the Strict Legalist. To basic Legalism, he adds Perfectionism, the heresy that a man may become morally perfect. Perfectionism is a bit different, because though Pelagian Perfectionists would say that they can become perfect by their own efforts, Predestinationist Perfectionists would say they can't do good by their own efforts, but they can become perfect by the grace of God. They're both wrong. Your own efforts can make you better, but not perfect. God's grace can impute Christ's death to you as atonement for your sins, but it won't keep you from ever sinning. For the Perfectionist, however, sinlessness is a feasible goal. Indeed, for many Perfectionists the Christian road is "Perfection or bust". It is the ultimate in Strict Legalism: you must not only do good works to attain God's kingdom, you must do them perfectly.