
Foreign Policy Swamp Creatures, Republicans in Name Only Subspecies, Endorse Biden

Garrett M. Graff @vermontgmg tweets

Seeing in print in the @WSJ this list of Republican national security officials endorsing Biden is really something. This is basically every GOP luminary of the last 30 years, saying “enough” to Trump. Stunning, really.

My comments were

Essentially, this says, &Newline;
“Former government employees Trump wouldn’t give jobs to endorse Biden instead.”

Why didn’t they ask me to sign too? I voted for Bush, and I didn’t even get to be a deputy undersecretary. In fact, I got no money at all.
I wouldn’t have signed even if they’d asked, but I feel dissed.

Another version (better?) is

Why didn’t they ask me to sign too? I voted for Bush, and I didn’t even do it just to get a cushy foreign policy job. &Newline;
I wouldn’t have signed even if they’d asked, but I feel dissed.

This ad is actually an example of a vital point that is counterintuitive but crucial to understand the difference between liberals and conservatives all the way back to Edmund Burke: liberals love authorities.

Julie Kelly 🇺🇸
@julie_kelly2 &Newline;
They did it in 2016, too. Failed Beltway bureaucrats—the Dems can have them. This backfires again.

@NYLibertariann &Newline;
The national security state should keep their mouths shut. They operate in total secrecy and are anathema to a functioning democracy. Their open political advocacy merely drops the veil on the notion that bureaucrats are apolitical actors.

Johannes de Silentio
@LucksGeoff &Newline;
Every time I see some checked account I don’t recognize gleefully rooting for the downfall of Trump, I assume it’s an “unbiased” “professional” “journalist.”
I am never ever ever disappointed. What does that tell us about the profession?
Truly the enemy of the people.

@ottomul &Newline;
Wow. They don’t want their Applecart Gravy Train messed with. It’s all about them.
Civil Servants. Washington Lifers. Swamp dwellers.

Mo Syed
@mosyednyc &Newline;
I don’t know how this is anything but an endorsement of trump. He literally ran by saying both parties are the same. This just proves his point.

@orbis_quintus &Newline;
This makes a Biden presidency terrifying. These people are irredeemably evil. Whatever they endorse must be monstrous.

Larry Schweikart
@LarrySchweikart &Newline;
This is essentially the roll call of Deep State Spoogesprockets that got us into multiple wars, released ISIS by removing bad but effective dictators, & drove American manufacturing into the ground.
Yeah, let’s listen to these goblins.

ΓΗΞ Δƞτι-Γʀυʍρ Δƞτι Fᴀ𝖼ɪ𝐬Ƭ
@Smpwns &Newline;
(we must) “reinstate the moral foundations of our democracy
(by electing joe Biden)”

@Playerinthgame &Newline;
Of course they do. His brain is mush. They can’t wait to tell him what to think.

@DanFmTo &Newline;
It was great when the Praetorian guard picked the emperors, very healthy stuff