
Judges’ Liking for Frivolous Suits

This is a question I’ve long wondered about. For elected state judges, it’s easy enough to see. When all the county lawyers, Republican and Democrat, are on one side of issue along with all the Democrats, that beats principle plus the Chamber of Commerce, easily. How about federal judges, though?

I just thought of a possibility. Frivolous cases make for easy docket clearing. They always settle. They aren’t hard cases that keep you up at night. They’re often humorous. So why wouldn’t a judge like them? He has to be doing something with his time at work, and they’re the easiest and quickest. He can check off another case resolved. If he dismisses too early, though, maybe it doesn’t count towards his docket clearing quota. It’s *too* easy. He’s just shuffling papers, so the other trial judges don’t think he’s really working.

Just a theory. If any lawyers or judges read this and want to comment anonymously, I’d welcome it.