
Signal, Noise, and CDC

A nice-sounding worship session in Frankfurt Germany caused over 100 peoplet to get covid-19 because of the singing. This is a stub for an entry on the probelm of Signal and Noise. The problem is growing. It started around 1500. Before then, you could read every book in your town, and read them all carefully. […]



This is a stub, as they say at Wikipedia. I want to figure out whether we’re going to have high inflation in 2021. I will put some notes here, and eventually work them up into a real post. We’re in a curious situation now.  We have massive new government spending.  We are paying for it […]


Covid-19 Precautions

This post is to keep track of things my household is doing out of worry about covid-19. Comments welcomed as to what might be excessive or insufficient. 1. Put tissue boxes in every room. 2. Require visitors (e.g., Connell girls, home church guests) to wash hands when they visit. 3. We bought a glass thermometer […]


Church and State and Virus

This is for notes on churches and pestilences. ########################## See also Pastor Doug Wilson on the Authority of the Church to Require Masks ###################### It is one thing to forbid [services] for a time, upon some special cause, (as infection by pestilence, fire, war, etc.) and another to forbid them statedly or profanely . . […]